Anti-Islanding testing service for EvoEnergy network
Anti-islanding testing is an important procedure to help secure and ensure safety for our electrical workers while they are working on the grid during outages.
EvoEnergy Anti-Islanding Downloads
Anti-islanding FAQ from EvoEnergy
What is ‘islanding’?
Islanding is where the inverter continues to supply power into the electricity distribution network during an outage, creating a serious safety issue.
Islanding causes an ‘island’ of live power in an otherwise deenergised section of the network. Islanding creates safety issues for Evoenergy personnel working on the network or private electrical contractors working inside the property, that could lead to injury or death. Islanding also interferes with network power quality and can cause damage to equipment and appliances.
What is ‘islanding’?
Islanding is where the inverter continues to supply power into the electricity distribution network during an outage, creating a serious safety issue.
Islanding causes an ‘island’ of live power in an otherwise deenergised section of the network. Islanding creates safety issues for Evoenergy personnel working on the network or private electrical contractors working inside the property, that could lead to injury or death. Islanding also interferes with network power quality and can cause damage to equipment and appliances.
What is anti-islanding protection?
Anti-islanding protection ensures that the inverter is automatically disconnected from the network when there’s a power interruption.
Why is there a requirement to test?
Inverters must be tested at least once every five years to ensure they are safe for Evoenergy personnel, electrical contractors, and the public. Testing can also help to avoid damage to the network, home appliances and minimise power quality issues.
All owners that have an inverter at their property agreed to test their inverter every five years during the application process, and testing is required to comply with the Evoenergy Micro Embedded Generation Technical Requirements and Evoenergy LV Embedded Generation Technical Requirements.
Instant booking
The anti-islanding test includes the completion of the anti-islanding test for one inverter. $100 per additional inverter will apply.